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Cold and Flu Season: What to Do When You Are Getting Sick

Rest is to let the body focus on overcoming the virus and to recover its energy from overwork or stress.  We usually get sick because we are run down, not because we were exposed to the virus.

Getting sick forces us to interrupt our normal routine. Rather than be annoyed by this, take the opportunity to actually be present in the down time.

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Fevers and Why We Need to Embrace Them

I had the privilege a couple of years ago to meet a really well-respected Anthroposophical doctor
named Philip Incao. He’s written many articles over the years, but the one that caught my eye is
entitled How to Treat Childhood Diseases. I found it most interesting that in Dr. Incao’s experience, suppressing fevers increases the tendency for allergies. With this in mind, perhaps it’s time to let go of the fear of fever and appreciate the benefits.

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