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My Personal Journey of Meditation and 5 Things That Help Me Stick With It

Ever since I could remember, whenever I would sit down to meditate, I would last no more than 10 minutes.  Why just 10 minutes? Well, one of two things would happen…either my mind would over-function or it would under-function.  In the over-function mode, it would rattle off a to-do list that could fill an 8 x 11, single space Word document (which is something that most of us are familiar with).  It’s what’s known as the “monkey mind”.

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Allergies and The Elements: How Traditional Chinese Medicine Can help

Sometimes a different way of thinking of things can broaden our understanding of the way things work.  In western medicine, we think of specific allergens that aggravate our allergies, such as pollens, grasses, cat dander.  In Chinese medicine, we look at the elements.  This can be more information for us to reduce our exposure to what aggravates our symptoms and help us make sure we minimize factors contributing to allergies.

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